Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I, like many Americans apparently, only ever feel comfortable with more, over the past 50 years I have striven for more friends, money, clothes, cars, land, and almost anything that I could obtain more of.

I wish this to stop and now. I have a wonderful life, fabulous friends, a spirituality that works, fantastic family, and so on. Yet I am not satisfied, I want more. My house is a small studio apartment I share at present with gem and John. gem is four footed and John is bipedal. Both are fantastic room mates for me and there is quite enough space for the three of us. The only difficulty I have is my stuff. I am a pack rat and have bags, drawers, closets, dressers and other spaces full of things I do not need or use. Why? Because it's mine.

I find it ridiculous that people use storage units because they have too much stuff in their house. If you are not using it, won't be using it give it away is my philosophy.  However, we Americans seem obsessed with possessions, we have to hold on to what we "own". You know, what I "own" is really only borrowed. My flesh, room mates, clothes, books, papers etc. will be of no use once I am gone. Why am I so enamored of holding on to this "stuff'?

I wish there was an easy answer, and there is. I think I'll throw a bonfire, if I cannot have it I'll consign it to Shiva.


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